A major focus of Fremont Morning Rotary is to support organizations within our community who serve those in need throughout the year. Some of our members also volunteer their own time to these and other community organizations well. After all, the guiding principle of Rotary is “Service Above Self”. Our efforts as a Club and as individual members become especially important during the holiday season. Ask yourself, “What can I do?” During this holiday season we hope you are reaching out to organizations in your community to volunteer or donate. Find out how…
Fremont Morning Rotary Club supports the following organizations. Here are ways you can help organizations such as these as well:
Life ElderCare / Meals-on-Wheels: Screened volunteers deliver nutritious mid-day meals Monday through Friday, with frozen meals available for the weekend. Volunteer or donate: LIFE ElderCare – Meals on Wheels,
Centerville Free Dining Room: Feeding the hungry and homeless in Fremont in a friendly atmosphere. We partner with Mission San Jose Rotary to purchase, prepare and serve food every month with a 5th Wednesday. Volunteer or donate: CPC Fremont | Centerville Free Dining Room
St. Vincent de Paul Pantry: Serving over 10,000 of our neighbors-in-need, each year in the Fremont area. Our volunteers serve people with Humility, and treat them with Dignity. Volunteer or donate: Saint Vincent de Paul - Mission San Jose
City of Fremont Age Well Center / Lake Elizabeth: Providing meals and other services for local seniors year round. Volunteer or donate: Volunteering at the Age Well Centers
Tri-City Rotary Clinic: Our Club administers this Joint Area 3 Rotary Club’s Program to reimburse local organizations for medical expenses serving those in need that not covered by insurance or other means. Organizations include:
- H.E.R.S. Breast Cancer Foundation: Providing post-surgical products and services individuals in need who are healing from breast cancer. Donate: HERS Breast Cancer Foundation .
- City of Fremont Family Resource Center: Provides urgent needs for adults and children such as prescription co-pays, non-prescription medications, prescription glasses, personal care items not covered but necessary for a medical conditions. Donate: Family Support Services | City of Fremont Official Website.
- Abode – Sunrise Village Homeless Shelter: Sunrise Village is the only shelter of its kind in the Bay Area specially designed and built to house homeless families and single adults in an efficient and dignified manner. Our program reimburses certain client medical expenses not covered by insurance or other means. Donate: Abode Services
You can also build friendships to leverage and multiply your impact year round by joining a service club such as Fremont Morning Rotary. Find out more about our Rotary Club here.