Youth Protection Training
Posted by Audrey Kearns
on Aug 10, 2010
The Youth Protection Certification training is available online via an organization that does training for Rotary. For those who are interested in getting this valuable training, you need to contact Sandi Pantages thru the District website. She will forward you the link to the training module.
The Youth Protection Certification training is available online via an organization that does training for Rotary. For those who are interested in getting this valuable training, you need to contact Sandi Pantages thru the District website. Once your name and emal address is received, you will be forwarded the link to the training module.
- The online course takes 30-45 minutes to complete. Once complete, a certificate will be emailed to you, along with a couple of forms for you to complete,
- The VAF - Volunteer Affidavit Form, which is then given to one of our Youth Protection certified club members, who will check the references you list and do a short interview with you. Our certified club member then makes a copy of the completed VAF and sends the original to the District at the PO Box on the form.
- A Live Scan - fingerprints - will need to be completed. Send that completed form to the same District person. Keep a copy for yourself.
The VAF form is available on the District Website under New Generations/Youth - Youth Protection - forms. And also there is a list of LiveScan sites, and a copy of the form that you can fill out before you go get the fingerprints - you look up the sites by County.
Every person in our club is urged to get this training done!